Planning application searchPlanning application search results Planning application search results 869 results for 'CHATBURN ' App Nº Applicant 3/2018/0943 Mr Rod Townsend Land to the south of Chatburn Old Road Chatburn 3/2018/0758 Mr Jonathan Clayton The Rookery Bridge Road Chatburn BB7 4AW 3/2018/0590 Mrs Carrie-Ann Dickins 37 Ribble Lane Chatburn BB7 4AG 3/2018/0582 Mr Rod Townsend Land to the south of Chatburn Old Road Chatburn 3/2018/0407 Mr Chris Harrison Land off Clough Bank Lane Chatburn BB7 4AW 3/2018/0562 Mr M Brierley 127 Chatburn Road Clitheroe BB7 2BD 3/2018/0417 J-J Construction (NW) LTD Hare Hill Croft Chatburn Old Road Chatburn 3/2018/0432 Mr Tahir Amin Speed Parlour Chatburn Road Clitheroe BB7 2AP 3/2018/0285 Mr Jonathan Clayton The Rookery Bridge Road Chatburn BB7 4AW 3/2018/0234 Mr N Byrne 1 Beech Grove Chatburn Clitheroe BB7 4AR 3/2017/0653 Oakmere Homes Land at Chatburn Road Clitheroe BB7 2EQ ← Previous | 191 to 200 of 869 results | Next →