Application 3/2015/0414

Non-Material amendment
Non material amendment to original planning permission 3/2009/0399. Revision of stonework arrangement to Kirklands elevation, end gables and drive through access to car park area. Revision of rear roof to staircase and unit over car park access Revision to cill height of staircase window.. Revision of disbaled car park parking arrangement.

Name Information
Development address Land off Kirklands Chipping PR3 2GN
Applicant Mr John Westerside
Suite 8 10 Duke Street Liverpool Merseyside L1 5AS
Agent Mr Michael Simpson
Heyside House Blackshaw Lane Royton Oldham Greater Manchester (Met County)
Officer John Macholc
Tel : 01200414502
Email :
Key dates Received : 05/03/2015
Registered : 21/05/2015
Committee : 21/05/2015
Planning Status Decided - Final Decision
Date : 22/05/2015
Attached files 15 0414 Amended site plan 19May15
15 0414 Amended site plan 21May15
15 0414 Further highway response
320150414 Delegated Report NMA.docx

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