Application 3/2022/0977

S.106 Variation

Comment on this application

Variation of S106 Agreement dated 29 October 2015 (attached to planning permission 3/2014/0764 relating to the development of 47 dwellings including affordable housing and housing for the elderly) to remove the requirement for certain market dwellings to be reserved for people aged over 55 owing to lack of demand.

Name Information
Development address Land east of Chipping Lane Longridge
Applicant BDW Trading Ltd
Barratt House Cartwright Way Forest Business Park LE67 1UF
Agent Mr James Calthorpe
Ward Hadaway LLP Sandgate house 102 Quayside Newcastle NE1 3DX
Officer Stephen Kilmartin
Tel : 01200 425111
Email :
Key dates Received : 19/10/2022
Registered : 28/10/2022
Planning Status Registered
Attached files 22 0977 Application Form
22 0977 Existing Agreement
22 0977 LCC Schools Team
22 0977 Parish response
22 0977 Proposed New Agreement

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