Application 3/2024/0485

Variation of Condition

Comment on this application

Variation of Condition 02 (substitution of house types/designs for plots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 & 10, including repositioning of plots 3, 7, 9 & 10, and alteration to internal access road) and Removal of Condition 10 (un-associated condition) of planning permission 3/2014/0618 for the erection of ten dwellings (pursuant to variation of conditions 4 (bat and bird boxes), 5 (Landscaping) and 14 (Boundary Treatment) of planning permission 3/2016/0748) to allow the regularisation of the as built landscaping, boundary treatments, garden levels and bird/bat box provision.

Name Information
Development address Land off Chatburn Old Road Chatburn
Applicant JJ Construction NW Ltd
Clerk Hill Place Clerk Hill Road Whalley BB7 9DR
Officer Stephen Kilmartin
Tel : 01200 425111
Email :
Key dates Received : 12/06/2024
Registered : 17/12/2024
Planning Status Registered
Attached files 24 0485 3rd Party reps 100125
24 0485 3rd Party reps 100125
24 0485 3rd party response 090125
24 0485 Application Form
24 0485 As Built Plans
24 0485 Neighbour Notification
24 0485 Proposed Boundary Fence and Wall Details
24 0485 Supporting Information
Consultee Address Date Consulted Consultation Expiry Date
1 Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AB 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
Loneslack 3 Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AB 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
High View 5 Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AB 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
9 Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AB 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
20 Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
13 Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
14 Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
15 Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
10 Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
11 Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
12 Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
8A Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
16 Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
Rosewood 17 Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
18 Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
22 Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
24 Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
26 Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
28 Crow Trees Brow Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AA 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
4 Dale Terrace Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AE 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
1 Dale Terrace Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AE 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
2 Dale Terrace Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AE 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
3 Dale Terrace Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AE 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
5 Dale Terrace Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AE 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
6 Dale Terrace Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AE 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
2 Shaw Gardens Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AD 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
3 Shaw Gardens Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AD 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
4 Shaw Gardens Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AD 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
1 Shaw Gardens Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AD 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
2 Mount Pleasant Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AF 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
3 Mount Pleasant Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AF 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
4 Mount Pleasant Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AF 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
1 Mount Pleasant Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AF 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
5 Mount Pleasant Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AF 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
6 Mount Pleasant Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AF 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
Hammerton 7 Old Road Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AB 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
1 Ribble Lane Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AG 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
4 Ribble Lane Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AG 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
8 Ribble Lane Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AG 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
6 Ribble Lane Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4AG 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
1 Hare Hill Croft Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4EP 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
2 Hare Hill Croft Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4EP 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
3 Hare Hill Croft Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4EP 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
4 Hare Hill Croft Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4EP 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
5 Hare Hill Croft Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4EP 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
6 Hare Hill Croft Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4EP 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
7 Hare Hill Croft Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4EP 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
8 Hare Hill Croft Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4EP 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
9 Hare Hill Croft Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4EP 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
10 Hare Hill Croft Chatburn Lancashire BB7 4EP 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
Ribblesdale Works West Bradford Road Clitheroe Lancashire BB7 4QF 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
File copy 17/12/2024 07/01/2025
Parish Council consulted by email 17/12/2024 07/01/2025

Copyright Notice: Plans, drawings and material submitted to the Council are protected by the Copyright Acts (Section 47, 1988 Act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for personal/private use, for example to compare current applications with previous schemes, or to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. You cannot use them, for example, to build from, or to copy from to use as part of your own planning application, unless you have the architect's permission.