Application 3/2016/1077

Discharge of Conditions
Discharge of conditions 3 (justification for insulation to bathroom and barn), 4 (specification of door repairs) and 5 (bat survey) of listed building consent 3/2016/0777.

Name Information
Development address Wardsley Farm Wardsley Road Chipping PR3 2QT
Applicant Mr Chris Atkinson
Savills UK Ltd 5 Church Street Clitheroe BB7 2DD
Officer Adrian Dowd
Tel : 01200 414513
Email :
Key dates Received : 18/11/2016
Registered : 02/12/2016
Committee : 16/01/2017
Planning Status Decided - Final Decision
Date : 16/01/2017
Attached files 16 1077 Application Form
16 1077 Bat Survey
16 1077 Insulation Details
16 1077 Proposed FF Layout Plan
161077 Decision Notice.docx

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