Application 3/2019/0775

Applications for full consent
Change of use of agricultural field to form camp site with the siting of four glamping huts, redevelopment of outbuildings to manager's accommodation, replacement of septic tank and marking out of associated parking for five cars.

Name Information
Development address Whitcher Well Fish Hatchery Whitendale Road Dunsop Bridge BB7 3BL
Applicant Mr John Ibison
C/o Agent
Agent Shelley Coffey
Rural Solutions Canalside House Brewery Lane Skipton BD23 1DR
Officer Adam Birkett
Tel : 01200 425111
Email :
Key dates Received : 19/08/2019
Registered : 17/09/2019
Committee : 30/10/2019
Planning Status Withdrawn
Decision Withdrawn Decision
Date : 30/10/2019
Constraints Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Attached files 19 0775 Application Form
19 0775 Ecology Assessment
19 0775 Flood response
19 0775 Flood Risk Assessment
19 0775 LVIA
19 0775 Natural England Response
19 0775 Plans
19 0775 Pod Plans
19 0775 Pod Visualisation
19 0775 Statement
19 0775 Statement Appendix A
19 0775 Structural Survey
19 0775 Supplementary Form
Consultee Address Date Consulted Consultation Expiry Date
LCC Highways consulted by email 17/09/2019 01/10/2019
Bishops Cottage Whitendale Road Dunsop Bridge Clitheroe Lancashire BB7 3BL 17/09/2019 08/10/2019
Bishops House Whitendale Road Dunsop Bridge Clitheroe Lancashire BB7 3BL 17/09/2019 08/10/2019
Parish Council consulted by email 17/09/2019 08/10/2019
Lancashire Lead Flood Authority consulted by email 17/10/2019 07/11/2019
File copy 17/09/2019 08/10/2019
Natural England consulted by email 17/09/2019 01/10/2019
Environment Agency consulted by email 09/10/2019 23/10/2019
Footholme Whitendale Road Dunsop Bridge Clitheroe Lancashire BB7 3BL 17/09/2019 08/10/2019

Copyright Notice: Plans, drawings and material submitted to the Council are protected by the Copyright Acts (Section 47, 1988 Act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for personal/private use, for example to compare current applications with previous schemes, or to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. You cannot use them, for example, to build from, or to copy from to use as part of your own planning application, unless you have the architect's permission.