Application 3/2023/0786

Discharge of Conditions
Approval of details reserved by conditions 12 (SW drainage), 16 (FRA assessment), 17 (construction SW management plan) and 18 (SW drainage operation and maintenance) of planning permission 3/2021/1134.

Name Information
Development address Land east of Chipping Lane Longridge
Applicant Mr Greg Brabin
Barratt Homes Adamson House Towers Business Park Wilmslow Road Didsbury Manchester M20 2YY
Officer Will Hopcroft
Tel : 01200 425111
Email :
Key dates Received : 02/10/2023
Registered : 16/10/2023
Committee : 10/11/2023
Planning Status Decided - Final Decision
Decision REFUSED
Date : 10/11/2023
Attached files 23 0786 Application Form
23 0786 Decision notice.docx
23 0786 Developable Areas Plan A
23 0786 Drainage Strategy Report
23 0786 Engineering Layout
23 0786 Environmental Management Plan
23 0786 Existing Drainage Constraints
23 0786 Existing Overland Flow Routes
23 0786 Flood Risk Assessment 2
23 0786 Flood Route Plan A
23 0786 Flood Route Plan b
23 0786 Hydraulic Assessment
23 0786 Land Contamination Phase 1
23 0786 Land Contamination Phase 2
23 0786 LLFA response
23 0786 Modified Overland Flow Routes
23 0786 S104 Drainage Layout
23 0786 SuDS Pro Forma
23 0786 SW Drainage Area Rev B
23 0786 SW Drainage Area Rev C
23 0786 Topo Survey 1
23 0786 Topo Survey 2
23 0786 Topo Survey 3

Copyright Notice: Plans, drawings and material submitted to the Council are protected by the Copyright Acts (Section 47, 1988 Act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for personal/private use, for example to compare current applications with previous schemes, or to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. You cannot use them, for example, to build from, or to copy from to use as part of your own planning application, unless you have the architect's permission.