Application 3/2018/0975

Reserved Matters (following outline)
Approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for Phases 2 and 3 for the erection of 193 dwellings, pursuant to outline planning permission 3/2017/0232

Name Information
Development address Land east of Chipping Lane Longridge
Applicant Mr Andrew Ainscough
BDW Trading Ltd C/o Agent
Agent Mrs Lorraine Robertson
Barton Willmore 18-22 Manchester House Bridge Street Manchester M3 3BZ
Officer Stephen Kilmartin
Tel : 01200 425111
Email :
Key dates Received : 26/10/2018
Registered : 02/11/2018
Committee : 12/04/2019
Planning Status Decided - Final Decision
Date : 12/04/2019
Attached files 18 0975 Affordable Housing Layout
18 0975 Affordable Housing Statement
18 0975 Amended boundary layout plan 21F
18 0975 Amended boundary plan 6Mar19
18 0975 Amended engineering layout 6Mar1
18 0975 Amended engineering sections 6Ma
18 0975 Amended hard landscaping 6Mar19
18 0975 Amended layout 6Mar19
18 0975 Amended materials 6Mar19
18 0975 Amended materials layout plan 21
18 0975 Amended planning layout plan 21F
18 0975 Amended refuse strategy 6Mar19
18 0975 Amended refuse strategy plan 21F
18 0975 Amended storey heights 6Mar19
18 0975 Amended storey heights plan 21Fe
18 0975 Amended streetscapes 21Feb19
18 0975 Amended streetscapes 6Mar19
18 0975 Application Form
18 0975 Badger Survey
18 0975 Bat Survey
18 0975 Boundary Layout
18 0975 Boundary Treatment Details
18 0975 Cross Sections
18 0975 Decision Notice.docx
18 0975 Design Statement
18 0975 Energy Demand Study
18 0975 Flood response
18 0975 Hard Landscaping Layout
18 0975 Highways response
18 0975 Highways response
18 0975 House Types
18 0975 Landscape Management Plan
18 0975 Landscape Statement
18 0975 Landscape Strategy Plan Map
18 0975 LLFA Response
18 0975 Location Plan
18 0975 Materials Layout
18 0975 Noise Assessment
18 0975 Parish response
18 0975 Parish Response
18 0975 Planning Statement
18 0975 Planting Plans 1 to 3
18 0975 Planting Plans 4 to 6
18 0975 Proposed Finished Floor Levels
18 0975 Proposed Site Plan
18 0975 Proposed Site Plan colour
18 0975 Refuse Strategy Layout
18 0975 Storey Heights Layout
18 0975 Streetscapes
18 0975 Survey Report
18 0975 Town Council Response
18 0975 Town Council Response
18 0975 Town Council Response
18 0975 Transport Note
18 0975 Tree Impact Assessment and Metho
180975 Officer Report 110419.docx
Consultee Address Date Consulted Consultation Expiry Date
Sainsburys Inglewhite Road Longridge Lancashire PR3 2NA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
Willows Farm Higher Road Longridge Lancashire PR3 2TY 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
46 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
File copy 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
8 Crumpax Meadows Longridge Lancashire PR3 3JG 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
6 Crumpax Meadows Longridge Lancashire PR3 3JG 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
5 Crumpax Meadows Longridge Lancashire PR3 3JG 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
7 Crumpax Meadows Longridge Lancashire PR3 3JG 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
9 Crumpax Meadows Longridge Lancashire PR3 3JG 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
2 Firwood Close Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HB 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
Beacon House 6 Firwood Close Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HB 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
4 Firwood Close Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HB 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
3 Firwood Close Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HB 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
1 Firwood Close Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HB 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
5 Firwood Close Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HB 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
44 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
56 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
54 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
52 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
50 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
44 Willows Park Lane Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HJ 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
50 Willows Park Lane Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HJ 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
46 Willows Park Lane Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HJ 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
48 Willows Park Lane Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HJ 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
14 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
20 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
8 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
10 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
16 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
12 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
18 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
22 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
24 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
26 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
28 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
30 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
32 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
34 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
36 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
38 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
40 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
42 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
48 Redwood Drive Longridge Lancashire PR3 3HA 02/11/2018 23/11/2018
10 Crumpax Meadows Longridge Lancashire PR3 3JG 02/11/2018 23/11/2018

Copyright Notice: Plans, drawings and material submitted to the Council are protected by the Copyright Acts (Section 47, 1988 Act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for personal/private use, for example to compare current applications with previous schemes, or to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. You cannot use them, for example, to build from, or to copy from to use as part of your own planning application, unless you have the architect's permission.